Wednesday, October 04, 2006

kenya 7b: 23 may

then we left to come here to samburu. after checking in, we went for a drive through the game park and saw all manner of wildlife including elephants, giraffe, oryx, antelope, dicdic, birds, sqirrels, baboons, monkeys - fabulous to see them in their natural environement. when we went back as darkness fell, we went to an area where crocodiles come up to the fence to eat meat thrown to them by the hotel. we could see a big croc out in the river, but he didn't come in.
this morning we went out again for a game drive at 0630, and saw all the creatures already mentioned again, plus a lioness. she was very hungry, hollow belly, and was just sitting there. after a while, she got up and began to stalk a herd of antelope about 400 yards away. just now, i can see a croc swimming upriver - wish i had some binoculars...
on our way to breakfast, we drove down to the riverbank where a big bull elephant was drinking on the other side of the river. beside him was a green croc basking in the sun. after a couple of minutes, the elephant started crossing the river toward us, and as he got closer our guide drove us away as the elephant was not happy about us being there. our guide, justus, told us that they will warn us twice, and will charge on the third time.
came back for breakfast, and then went on a guided nature walk around the compound. a young woman guided us and showed us plants and birds - she was very knowledgable. this lodge is overwhelmingly different to the simple, poor people we've seen mostly in kenya. there's an enormous gap between rich and poor in this country.
there is a great deal to think about, but strangely (perhaps) i'm not feeling overwhelmed by it; i'm just letting it wash over me. i wonder if there will be some kind of delayed reaction....
and bishop john has just made the front page of the national newspaper, the nation. i haven't seen the article, but apparently the archbishop of kenya has withdrawn his invitation to us in kenya...

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