Wednesday, October 18, 2006

new book

as part of my recuperative process, a friend from my theological college training days visited the other day, and gave me a present that i've just started reading. its by the musician and activist, billy bragg. the book is called, 'the progressive patriot - a search for belonging'. here's a bit from the inside cover:
reflecting on his family history and revisiting the music that inspired him, billy bragg pits his own values against those of traditional britishness in a search for a sense of belonging that is accessible to all. the progressive patriot is a book we all need to read. it pulls no punches in delivering its insights, and its radical vision offers positive hope to a nation no longer sure of its own identity.
i've just read the introduction so far, and am looking forward to reading the rest.
its on at a good price at amazon just now...

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