Wednesday, January 25, 2006

on movie ads, arms trading, and love

amnesty international are hoping to shock cinema audiences into action by showing a spoof ad on how easy it is to buy an ak-47 assault rifle.

the uk is great at producing and selling weapons to all manner of countries - even those who are mutual aggressors! see the figures here.

and against the madness of human aggression and warfare, we can expect the new pope's first encycilical on love, tomorrow.

maybe the old 'rotweiler' can bring a creative critique to our world that seems bent on tearing itself to shreds. maybe the efforts of amnesty and the pope can mobilise ordinary citizens to demand better, more creative foreign policy and behaviour from our elected politicians.

what would the world be like if everybody just said, 'oh, its all too hard.'?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...exactly like it is now...