Friday, March 17, 2006

struggling with cyberspace

this week have been struggling to either get time, or inspiration to blog....

its been a mixed week of meetings, preparations, and funerals. and i've noticed that i just can't get enthused to read this week. i want to be outside doing physical activity, stretching the old bod, as it feels like its starting to creak from lack of work.

roll on spring and summer methinks!


Anonymous said...

Dear Tony

I cannot help but notice the silence in your blogging …. which may mean you are in Kenya (!) … but I respect everyone’s silence - I just want to acknowledge that I can hear your cyberspace silence.

You use the word “Inspiration” in your last blog, and “Inspiration” is one of those “fabulous” words. Lent has to be at times a desert time.
On Saturday evening I attended our own Forest Choir (conducted by St Mary’s own Jonathan Rathbone) performing the Bach B Minor Mass. I was apprehensive in my attendance, for I was aware of how many of the choir were apprehensive of attempting this most ambitious work. Someone once said “No one is worthy enough to play or sing the B Minor Mass”. However, as I type this I can feel the tears rising, as I remember their magnificent performance. There is so much human talent and capacity in Waltham Forest … and beyond.

And as I type this I am listening to the B Minor Mass … which starts with that most sombre and serious and prolonged cry for help …. The Kyrie … “Lord have Mercy”.
And I am reminded of another famous choral work - “Messiah” by Handel, which starts with the words of Isaiah 40: “Comfort ye”.

Thanks for the information about “Fellowship Afloat”. It terrified me - I cannot imagine myself leaving my life of isolation for such an experience. However, miracles do happen, and I have not yet reached Easter (or Pentecost). However, much to my relief I notice that our very own Waltham Forest Philharmonic Orchestra are playing in the Assembly Hall that weekend, and I am committed to supporting them as well, with a little dinner party in my flat beforehand. So, maybe next time ……. ???????

rev tc said...

thanks for you r encouragement lads. no doubt the swells of inspiration will start rolling soon enough so that i can get back surfing again.