Tuesday, March 21, 2006

world water day

World Water Day March 22, 2006

today is world water day. check the website here.

some people say the next world war will be fought over water. big companies like coca-cola do all they can to buy the rights for bottled water brands. more than 1 billion people world wide lack access to safe drinking water.

its so difficult for us in countries like the uk to understand that 20% of the world's population struggle to get a drink of water, let alone a drink of clean water. and its amazing to think that there are enormous numbers of children in this country who hardly drink water at all, favouring instead fizzy drinks and flavoured concoctions.

and now, with the prospect of water shortages in this country due to 2 very dry winters, we will have to start living with the idea that there will be hose-pipe bans, and possibly even stand-pipe restrictions. maybe we will start to see the attitudes of indulgence and waste that we unconsciously have are not so normal for everyone in the world after all.

please do something today - visit the world water day website for ideas - to mark the day and stand in solidarity with 1 billiion of our brothers and sisters who will suffer water shortage today.


Andrew said...

Yay water! :)

Listen to my band! You will like it!


Anonymous said...

I have just returned from my now usual Wednesday evening “Soul Space” at St Mary’s, this evening generously provided by Maureen and Steph. As an atheist, I have absolutely no doubt that “soul space” is a fundamental human requirement, wherever people may find it. But you also informed me in yesterday’s blog that today is “World Water Day”. And I am troubled by that.

How can I possibly say that “soul space” is as fundamental a human requirement as is water? But this sort of question has troubled people for thousands of years. We can all remember the consciousness raising that took place before the Gleneagles G8 summit on July 6 last year. I still wear my “Make Poverty History” white band, saying to people that now Russia has the presidency of the G8, they will return to the ideals of their 1917 revolution, and “Make a Difference”. But I return from “soul space” to my warm flat, to my tea and crumpets. And I am troubled.

Andrew said...

Hey! Thanks for the kind words about my band. We're working very hard. I just stumbled on your blog randomly so I thought I would promote my band a little bit. :) Be sure to check our MySpace site and my blog regularly for updates on shows and our upcoming album. Since you like the music, maybe you can tell your friends about us too. :)

Thanks a lot!