Thursday, February 16, 2006

Loving our global neighbors - and enemies

a good article here from sojonet, that takes a look at the clash of values between east and west - particularly around values of freedom of expression. the author of the article, philip rizk, says:

It is not Western values of freedom of speech that we must evaluate, but their underlying philosophy of individualism. The Western mind is raised to believe that what it thinks, expresses, and believes is a private and personal matter. In the Arab world, where societies share a collective understanding of self, such teachings are heretical.

the interconnectedness of our world means that we can no longer ignore what other people think or feel, and vice-versa. i think a major problem for us in the west is that we don't even know our next-door neighbours anymore, so considering how we behave at a global level is simply a bridge too far.

but the critique is always to begin in our own backyard. how many of us even raise a smile to our muslim neighbours as they walk past? how many of them expect us to smile at them, or even say hello?

loving our neighbours begins where we are, but in today's world more than ever, must extend beyond.

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