Sunday, February 05, 2006

stick a brick in it

had one of those wonderfully surprising lunch invites today from some very good people from my theological college days. martin and meg wroe are those kinds of positive, generous, and hope-filled people who see the world as a good place that they love to engage with - no matter how hopeless it can seem at times. for the melancholic types like me, they are a joy to be around!

martin was one of the driving forces behind the generous project, as he feels that we are able to do something about the desperate state the world has got itself into. the simple things are what we can all do, and in doing them, cumulatively have more of an effect on our planet than what we think we can as 'just little ol' me'. check out the generous site to see what others are doing.

that's the kind of attitude that the girls at wonderland have - nice post from them about saving water.

some folks think that the next major world war will be fought not over land, but over water. and with the uk facing a drought and water restrictions this summer if we don't get any really good, sustained rains in the spring, maybe we'd all do well to 'stick a brick in it'.

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