Wednesday, February 08, 2006

old mates

check out these photos. the one with the surfboards is me and some mates when we were 18, in the backyard of the first house i lived in when i left home. the other photo is from one of those mates (see if you can pick him - frischy). he sent me a bunch of photos taken from a mini-reunion of some of the old crew, at the beginning of this year. you can see the rest of the photos by clicking on the flickr link in the side-bar.

it was fantastic to see some of the old faces again - some barely recognisable, some i don't recognise, and some that are unmistakable! to see them together, so happy and looking at ease with each other gave me a very warm feeling of love for them, mixed with an ache in my heart at not being there with them to experience again, the comfort and warmth of their friendship.

those guys have a mutual life-sharing that i don't have, and that part of me wishes i did. life-long friendship is a beautiful thing. god bless them all. yes, i am somewhat wistful....

on the other hand, i've lived an adventurous life given over to following jesus, lived in 3 countries - trusting him to love me and lead me through this amazing gift of life. i've experienced a great deal of life, and had the priviledge of influencing a lot of other peoples' lives.

you simply can't do, or have, everything. and i'm deeply grateful for what i do have and for how i live. life really is beautiful.

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